Sea animal populations are disappearing due to global warming twice as fast as land species.

In 2011, paleontologist Anthony Barnoski and his colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, published

article in which they talked about the ongoingthe last 500 years of the sixth mass extinction, a process in which three-quarters of species disappear over a geological period. Scientists compared the average rate of species extinction from the 16th to the 21st centuries and compared it with the average rate of this process in other periods of history.

The cause of extinction was human activity -people destroy habitual habitats of animals and plants, which leads to a reduction in biodiversity. Probably, this process has a greater impact on plants - unlike animals, they cannot move when their habitat is destroyed. Another important reason is the increase in global temperature.

During the study, researchers studied more than 400oceanic and terrestrial species found throughout the world. Assessing the maximum and minimum temperatures for different species, the researchers concluded that 56% of oceanic species experienced a decrease in habitat due to global warming, compared with 27% of terrestrial species.

“We found that all over the world, marinespecies were eradicated from their native habitats due to rising temperatures at twice the rate of terrestrial species. The results suggest that enhanced conservation efforts will be necessary if people continue to use the ocean as a resource to support wealth, nutrition and economic activity."

Malin Pinski, Rutgers University

Previously, scientists from Percease College in New York, based on observations of wild animal GPS tags, concluded that one out of every four of them died at the hands of humans.