Astrophysicists conducted a computer simulation of the dark ages of the Universe - the era between the formation of the relict
In their model, scientists used all knowncosmological theory "components" of this era. Among them are dark matter that helps galaxies grow, the evolution and condensation of neutral gas, radiation that can cool and sometimes heat gas, and cold fronts. These are fast-moving streams of frozen matter that crash into already formed structures.
Simulations have shown that neutral gas inof the early Universe began to come together and stick together. The hydrogen and helium released some heat, allowing the clumps of neutral gas to slowly reach high densities. Multiple interactions between the neutral gas and the radiation associated with its heating gradually led to massive accumulations of neutral gas - the beginning of the first galaxies.
The gas deep inside these protogalaxies formedrapidly rotating accretion disks are fast-flowing rings of matter that form around any massive object. Meanwhile, cold gas fronts hit the outer edges of the protogalaxies. The coldest and most massive of them penetrated into the protogalaxy up to the accretion disk.
These cold fronts crashed into the discs, quicklyincreasing their mass and density to a critical threshold, thereby allowing the first stars to emerge. The formations assembled from light elements were huge, but lived for less than a million years, dying during supernova explosions. The products of the first reactions of internal fusion - elements heavier than hydrogen and helium - laid the foundation for the next round of star formation.
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