Slime without a brain with 720 sexes will be launched into space and will look at it in zero gravity

We are talking about Physarum polycephalum - a type of slime mold that is an unclassified organism -

it is not a fish, not a bird, not a plant, not an animaland not a mushroom. The organism was named "slime" after the 1958 horror film The Blob, where alien slime takes over a town in Pennsylvania, consuming everything in its path.

Slime first appeared on Earth about 500 million years ago.years ago and is unusual in its structure: it is a single cell with several nuclei. While most organisms grow and reproduce on the principle of cell division and multiplication, Physarum polycephalum does not. It is one cell that grows without ever dividing.

Another oddity:most organisms have two genders, and mucus has over 720 of them. The organism literally has different compartments that represent the many primordial elements. The DNA of the "slime" floats freely inside its cell walls, rather than inside the nucleus, so it separates parts of itself at will.

Several mucus samples will be sent to the ISS to observe the effects of weightlessness on this organism.

Nobody knows what its behavior will be in microgravity conditions, in which direction it will move.

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