Solar geoengineering: why do some scientists want to "dark" the Sun, while others sound the alarm

Spray an aerosol that reflects light, or create special reflectors that block part of the sun

radiation is not science fiction, but real projects in the field of solar geoengineering.

How do scientists want to manage solar radiation?

Supporters of the idea of ​​solar geoengineeringpropose to reflect some of the sun's energy back into space to reduce the Earth's temperature and prevent climate change. The idea is that our planet's temperature is rising due to increasing amounts of greenhouse gases, which absorb energy.

In April 2019, the book ClimateEngineering and the Law, edited by renowned climate change scholar Michael Gerrard. In it, he noted that there are “passive” climate control techniques, such as carbon capture. Such approaches are relatively safe, as they will not have global consequences. But projects in the field of solar geoengineering and other global ideas need to be specifically regulated, he noted.

There are three methods by which they want to "darken" the Sun

  • Increase the reflectivity of clouds or the Earth's surface to reflect more heat into space.
  • Create cosmic reflectors that will block some of the light before it reaches Earth.
  • Spray a stratospheric aerosol so that it reflects sunlight before it reaches the Earth.

Adherents of the idea of ​​solar geoengineeringThey propose to reflect part of the solar energy back into space in order to reduce the temperature of the Earth and prevent climate change. The idea is that the temperature of our planet is rising due to an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases that absorb energy.

Is solar geoengineering safe or dangerous?

  • Short term effects:

So far there is no clear answer to this question.If you change the reflectivity of the atmosphere, then, according to scientists, there is a risk of global climate imbalance. This means that in one part of the planet the situation will become better, but in another it will worsen radically, for example, the distribution of monsoons will change or drought will worsen in Africa and Asia. If this happens, about 2 million people could be left without food and water.

  • Long term effects:

It is also unknown how the climate will be after a while.respond to the consequences of solar geoengineering. In the event that the distribution of the reflective aerosol stops, a "termination shock" can occur. The researchers found that if this happens, then the global temperature can increase dramatically, and this will lead to massive death of ecosystems.

In addition, solar geoengineering will not help us solve the problem of global warming, but, at best, will put it on pause, since the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will not change.

Are there real examples and projects on solar geoengineering?

  • Cloud Lightening:

Yes, one of the most popular projects from the USA is"lightening" of sea clouds. The idea is that the brightest white clouds reflect more sunlight back into space. Therefore, the researchers proposed seeding the clouds with sea salt and other substances. Special technologies are being developed to spray and send seawater particles into the sky.

  • Bill Gates project with balloon and aerosol can:

An experiment aimed at combating globalwarming, will be conducted by experts from Harvard University. To use for this they are going to a balloon and an aerosol can. Microsoft founder Bill Gates will financially support the project.

Researchers plan to launchmeteorological balloons releasing small particles of calcium carbonate into the stratosphere. These fragments, the authors suggest, will reflect the sun's rays, sending them back into space. All this should reduce the average temperature of water and air. Based on the results of each stage, it is proposed to carry out special checks by appointed independent commissions in order to make sure that the technology does not harm the atmosphere.

All this should reduce the average water temperature andair. Based on the results of each stage, it is proposed to carry out special checks by appointed independent commissions in order to make sure that the technology does not harm the atmosphere.

Why doesn't everyone support solar geoenergy?

Geoengineering is already being controlled globally by:in 2010, the ban on geoengineering projects was adopted by the parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, and since then it has been updated every two years. True, this is not a treaty or a protocol, but just a decision - a document of a lower level.

However, international lawthere are many more loopholes that could potentially be exploited. Therefore, the opponents of geoengineering are turning to the world scientific community. At the end of January 2022, a group of 46 scientists and management experts created an open letter explaining why, in their opinion, such technologies are extremely dangerous.

The authors noted that the risks of solar geoengineeringnot yet fully understood and may never be fully known. The impact of solar geoengineering will vary by region, and there is uncertainty about the impact on weather, agriculture, and basic food and water needs.

It remains to be seen whether geoengineering will be the salvationin the future, but it is definitely not worth resorting to such measures just because humanity has no other choice. Geoengineering methods require more independent and well-controlled research so that researchers can better weigh the benefits of their application against the risks that humanity takes on by interfering with the Earth's climate.

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