Sony plans to create AI that will win the Nobel Prize by 2050

Hiroaki Kitano, CEO of Sony Computer Science Laboratories, announced plans to create artificial intelligence,

which compares with modern scientific minds.To achieve this, Kitano will develop and launch the Nobel Turing Challenge. The goal is to develop AI that is smart enough to win a Nobel Prize by 2050.

According to Kitano, the hallmark of the projectwill be unique, fundamentally new discoveries in science and technology. “It's important not to rediscover what we already know or try to mimic human thought processes,” said Sony's head of AI research. "The goal of the project is to reformulate the scientific discovery itself and create its alternative form."

The value of the Nobel Turing Challenge project is indeveloping machines that can make discoveries continuously and autonomously. The AI ​​scientist will generate and test as many hypotheses as possible. Some of them will lead to major discoveries on their own or will form the basis for them.

Hiroaki Kitano, CEO of Sony Computer Science Laboratories

Kitano initially plans to create a setuseful tools that automate parts of the research process in both experimentation and data analysis. Gradually, the level of autonomy can increase to generate a wider range of hypotheses and tests. 

Kitano explained that the AI ​​scientist will take on the hard intellectual work so that people have more time to test scientific hypotheses.

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