Soon a solar storm will hit the Earth: the material flies at a speed of 800 km / s

Forecasters from the National Oceanic Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center

Atmospheric research made the prediction after observing gaseous material leaking from the southern coronal hole into the Sun's atmosphere.

Coronal holes are regions in the upper layersthe atmosphere of the Sun, where the electrified gas (or plasma) of our star is colder and less dense. They also appear where the Sun's magnetic field lines, instead of looping back on themselves, radiate out into space. This allows solar material to slosh out in a stream that moves at speeds up to 2.9 million km/h.

On planets with strong magnetic fields suchlike ours, this one leads to the appearance of geomagnetic storms. The storm that hits on August 3rd will be weak. It can cause minor fluctuations in power grids and affect some satellite functions, including mobile devices and GPS systems.

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