Starless Planets May Have Habitable Moons

A team of researchers led by the European Southern Observatory modeled the mutual influence

Analysis has shown that the mechanism of tidal heating and the presence of an atmosphere with a relatively high optical thickness canTo form and maintain oceans of liquid water on the surface of the Moon long enough for life to arise.

Free-floating planets or orphan planets are interstellar objects that are not gravitationally bound to any star or brown dwarf.Astronomers have already discovered about 100 such planets, some of which formed from gas and dust clouds, others are believed to have formedexplorers have been thrown out of their systems by gravity. 

Researchers ran 8,000 computer simulationsa sun-like star with three planets the size of Jupiter. They showed that planets ejected from their planetary system often fly into space along with their satellites. The researchers simulated conditions on such moons. They analyzed how tidal heating would affect conditions on the surface of the Earth-sized moon.

Because the atmosphere is critical toheat retention, scientists conducted calculations with three options. They found that for satellites with an atmosphere of the same pressure as that of the Earth, the period of potential habitability lasted no more than 50 million years. But if the pressure of the atmosphere increased 10 times, then the duration of the period with a sufficiently high temperature increased to 300 million years. And with an increase in pressure by another order of magnitude - up to 1.6 billion years. Such pressure may seem excessive, but it is close to the conditions that exist on Venus. This is more than it took for the emergence of life on Earth.

If the satellite's orbit is not idealcircle, the gravitational pull of the planet constantly deforms the moon. As a result of friction, heat is generated inside it. In our solar system, this process, called tidal heating, is observed on some moons of Saturn and Jupiter. A sufficiently dense atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide can hold such heat and keep the surface temperature high enough for water to remain liquid.

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Cover: Artistic illustration of a free-floating planet. Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech