Starting June 14, Origin will stop selling games from third-party companies

Chances are that most people have a storeOriginassociated with games fromElectronic Art, but it was still possible there

buy entertainment from third-party developers. Although, in two weeks all this will stop:E.A.announced that it was ending sales of other people's games.

Key points:

  • From the storeOriginwill remove games and DLC from third-party partners
  • If content has already been purchased, it will remain available in your libraryOrigin
  • In subscriptionEA PlayVOriginwill still offer games from third party partners

EAalso closes the ability to download additional materials such as soundtracks or art books. This kind of content from gamesEAcan now be downloaded on a special page. It’s more difficult with third-party games: users need to quickly download materials fromOriginin the next two weeks, or you will have to contact technical supportEAasking for the opportunity to do this - the company promises that it will be able to provide the necessary content.

Sources: – 1, 2, 3

Photo: Wikipedia