Study: A new type of coronavirus is most active at 4 ° C

Согласно исследованию, при комнатной температуре (около 22°C) вирус способен оставаться стабильным в течение

недели. Температура в 55°C приводит к его гибели за два часа, а при 70°C он способен существовать всего пять минут.

«Вирус очень стабилен при 4 градусах, но чувствителен к жаре. При четырех градусах инфекция способна существовать более двух недель, тогда как при повышении температуры до 70 градусов погибает в течение пяти минут»

Йонг Жан, ведущий автор исследованияИмя Фамилия

In addition, scientists determined the survival of the virus.on various surfaces. For example, it can exist on the surface of medical masks for at least a week - provided that they are at room temperature and relative humidity of about 65%.

On paper, SARS-CoV-2 can hold lessthree hours, while on wood and fabric - up to two days. Glass allows the virus to remain active for four days, stainless steel and plastic for more than a week.

Now in 175 countries there are more than 723thousand cases of infection with this infection. 90% of all cases occur in seven countries - China, USA, Italy, Spain, Germany, Iran and France. At the same time, in China, where the virus came from, there is a significant reduction in the epidemic. Since the end of 2019, 34 thousand people have died from coronavirus infection, more than 152 thousand people have recovered. In Russia, there are a total of 1534 patients with coronavirus infection, nine patients died, 64 were cured.

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