Study: new brain implant helped patients control their thinking

A person may begin to have problems controlling the cognitive functions of the brain, for example, due to mental

disorders from depression toobsessive-compulsive disorder. Thought processes lose their flexibility: the patient has difficulty switching from one topic to another - this is a key feature of many mental illnesses.

Previously, scientists found that electricStimulating the ventral internal capsule/ventral striatum (VCVS) areas of the brain can help patients improve cognitive and thought control. In addition, the researchers found that neural biomarkers emerged that indicated improvements in clinical condition.

The authors of the new work used all the earlier experiments and findings to create an algorithm that determines in real time whether the brain is currently working on cognitive control tasks.

If yes, and an error or a long hitch is found in the process, then the system sends short electrical impulses to a specific area of ​​the brain in order to increase the efficiency of its work.

The researchers assembled a group of 12 volunteers,to experiment with a new algorithm. All patients had previously undergone brain surgery for the treatment of epilepsy. According to the results of the study, some volunteers agreed that the impulses from the algorithm helped them and alleviated their anxiety symptoms.

The authors of the work said that their system can also be used to treat people with severe disorders.

Before the massive application of the new algorithm, it must undergo large-scale clinical trials.

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