Study: people can restore ocean ecosystems by 2050

Despite the fact that over the past decades a huge amount of various garbage has entered the World Ocean, and

humanity has destroyed several species of marineanimals and fish, the ocean can recover quite quickly. For example, humpback whale numbers recovered very quickly after the ban on commercial whaling. The proportion of marine species assessed by scientists as globally threatened fell from 18% in 2000 to 11.4% in 2019.

Researchers have identified nine components,which are key to ocean restoration: salt marshes, mangroves, sea grasses, coral reefs, algae, oyster reefs, fisheries, megafauna and the deep ocean.

Now scientists are developing a number of tools,which allow you to restore important marine habitats of various animals, for example, oyster reefs. According to scientists, every year until 2050, governments will have to invest about $ 20 billion to restore the oceans. However, each dollar invested will return about $ 9, scientists say, thanks to improved quality of marine products.

We now have the skills and experience to havethe ability to restore vital marine habitats such as oyster reefs, mangrove swamps and salt marshes. They maintain the cleanliness of our seas, protect our shores and provide food to support entire ecosystems.

Co-author of Callum Roberts, University of York, UK

However, the big problem right now isan increase in the average temperature on Earth, which leads to sea level rise and water oxidation. An increase in temperature kills tropical reefs and causes fish to migrate to other regions, destroying entire ecosystems.