Study: poor sleep affects gait

A new study has found a link between lack of sleep and gait. Lack of sleep can affect your ability

a person walks straight, avoids obstacles and maintains balance. Discuss

Scientists have explained that gait is notautomatic process and can be affected by sleep deprivation. The fact is that our brain reacts to visual or auditory stimuli along the way, adapting our gait to them. It can slow down or speed up as needed. If a person hears music, he can, for example, adjust his step so as to keep the rhythm without realizing it.

For the brain to function properly, adults need to sleep at least seven hours a day, school-age children need 9 to 12 hours, and adolescents need 8 to 10 hours.

An experiment has shown that sleep deprivation makes people more likely tocould not synchronize the heel strikes on the treadmill to the beat of the metronome. Participants who got enough sleep at least on weekends performed better on the task.

Source: CNN