Study: Sweet improves brain function in creative problem solving

Scientists have found that when solving creative problems, some kind of dessert can help. Discuss


that the observed effect of sweet taste was specific to creativity and did not improve people's performance on analytical tasks requiring attention to detail.

Scientists have found that the connection with creativity is due tobecause people associate sweet tastes with positive experiences and situations. Because positive situations don't pose a threat, they allow our minds to become more open, according to the lead researcher. On the contrary, analytical tasks and tasks that require attention to detail require a tighter focus.

The researchers noted that consumptionexcessive amounts of sugar are unhealthy, and they do not advocate increased consumption. “Importantly, our research shows that the impact of sweet taste on creativity can be manifested even from a single piece of candy, a small cookie or a piece of dried fruit,” the scientists added. Even imagining a sweet taste can help.