Tesla faces criminal charges over crashes involving driver-assistance systems

Elon Musk's company is facing a criminal case.The US Department of Justice is investigatingmore than a dozen accidents with

involving Tesla cars in which the Autopilot function was activated at the time of the accident.

What is known

American government organizations andprivate car owners have often accused Elon Musk's company of incorrect advertising of Full Self-Driving (FSD) and Autopilot functions. In their opinion, advertising systems can mislead customers, not knowing that Autopilot and FSD do not allow the car to do without a driver.

Now annotations have appeared on the Tesla website, inwhich indicate that the functions of automatic piloting do not make the company's cars fully autonomous. The manufacturer warns drivers to keep their hands on the wheel and maintain control of the car while using autopilot.

DOJ investigation potentiallyrepresents a more serious level of scrutiny due to the possibility of bringing criminal charges against Tesla or individual executives. This was reported to CNBC by sources familiar with the investigation.

Attorneys for the Department of Justice in Washington andSan Francisco is investigating whether the company misled customers, investors and regulators by making unsubstantiated claims about the capabilities of its driver-assistance technology. At the same time, there is no information yet on how the investigation will end. Officials can both shut it down and file criminal charges.

Barbara McQuade, formerThe U.S. Attorney in Detroit, said investigators will have to find evidence that confirms that Tesla and Elon Musk deliberately misled about the capabilities of the Autopilot feature. It can be, for example, emails.

Image: NME