The acceleration of the Earth's rotation will make 2021 the shortest in the last 50 years

As it has been learned, over the past few years, the acceleration of the Earth's rotation has increased so much that

The current year 2021 will be the shortest in the last 50 years.In this regard, the world's timekeepers are deciding right now whetherremove a second from the time of day, thereby bringing the exact flow of time into line with the actual rotation of our planet.

Over the past decades, scientists have beenforced to add a total of 27 "leap seconds", according to Planet Today. This was done so that atomic time correctly correlated with solar time. But in the middle of 2020, everything changed and now days are usually shorter than 86,400 seconds. And over the past 12 months, the record for "short" days has been broken as many as 28 times!

In this regard, the length of days is now inon average 0.5 seconds less than the "correct" 24 hours. And in order to balance the sensors of satellites and other space technology with the real solar time, scientists are forced to add one additional "negative second".