The doctor explained how to deal with spring stress

Endocrinologist of the ISEC MSU, Candidate of Medical Sciences Zukhra Pavlova told how to deal with spring

stress caused by the reorganization of the body from winter to spring, the increase in daylight hours and the shortening of the night.

According to the expert, spring stress is a restructuringгормонального фона. Бороться с ним можно с помощью употребления большого количества воды и дыхательной гимнастики. Пить нужно большими глотками — благодаря этому блокируется адренокортикотропный гормон, вырабатываемый в мозге и стимулирующий выработку кортизола — гормона стресса. По словам врача, выпитая вода — это блокировка избыточного синтеза кортизола.

Breathing exercises should be done as followsway: a short breath, a slow exhalation - the emotional background is balanced. You can use three breathing cycles: for a count of four, inhale, for a count of seven, hold your breath, for a count of eight, exhale.

“In spring the days become longer and the nights shorter, andthe person is changing. The transition is accompanied by desynchronization of circadian rhythms. This has a stressful effect on our body, and stress is always a hormonal imbalance, more cortisol, less serotonin, a person is more nervous, ”the specialist noted.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.

Source: Radio Sputnik