The doctor named two products for removing "bad" cholesterol from the body

Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov told what foods help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in

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According to the doctor, to reduce the level of "bad"cholesterol levels need to be normalized in the blood. To do this, you need to eat enough protein and fiber. Bran, for example, is rich in this. In addition, the nutritionist advised to pay attention to pectins. According to Kovalkov, there are especially many of them in apples that are not picked on time. The doctor said that dark spots from apples can be cut off and frozen, and then eaten.

In addition, he recommended removing from the dietfast carbohydrates and leave complex ones. It is also worth solving the problems that lead to reactive inflammation associated with high cholesterol levels. This, for example, sinusitis, colitis, enteritis, gastritis and bad teeth.

News materials cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision to change your diet, consult a specialist.

Source: RIA Novosti