The Earth has already experienced a sharp rise in temperatures during global warming

Scientists are interested in how periods of sharp warming and cooling of the climate on Earth affected the

This is necessary to understand how the current global warming will affecton the planet's climate in the long term.

The authors of the new work collected information about sedimentary rocks that accumulated on the bottom of the world's oceans over the past few tens of millions of years, and measured the proportions of carbon and oxygen isotopes in their different layers to understand at what temperature these deposits appeared. 

Based on this data, the scientists found out how much temperatures fell and rose after each episode of a cold snap or warming of the climate, and compared these data with each other. 

The northern polar cap may disappear inthe coming decades and centuries. Our observations and calculations show that this will make the planet's climate much more vulnerable to extremely long episodes of sharp temperature rises, the analogues of which we found in the recent geological past of the Earth.

Konstantin Arnscheidt, noted one of the authors of the study

Based on the results of the work, the authors found that in the past, most often there was a sharp rise in temperature: it increased the likelihood of additional bursts of global warming.

The authors suggest that such wave-like changes in climate were caused by changes in the motion of the Earth's orbit and various biological processes, such as the decomposition of organic matter in thawed permafrost, which provoked previous episodes of rising temperatures.

The authors noted that the progression of current global warming will entail a repetition of similar temperature extremesand in the future. 

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