The expert spoke about ways to protect against network fraud

Recall that according to official data, every fourth network user faces tricks

social engineering scammers by clicking on dubious links and attachments.Anastasia Barinova, Deputy Head of Training at Group-IB's Computer Forensics Lab, spoke about ways to protect againstscams on the web.

So, the expert announced the need for checksall links and attachments in questionable emails and messages. In addition, she also advised to be very careful with the telephone scam with which scammers steal money. According to her, there is no need to respond to transaction confirmation codes, as well as other types of personal information about a bank card or account. Also, suspicion should be caused by the request of the caller to download programs to a smartphone or computer.

Barinova also noted the importance of compliancestandard safety rules on the Internet. “Use strong passwords for different services, store them in the password manager and do not forget to change them at least once every six months,” the expert shared.