The explosion of the American military off-road vehicle was shown on video

A video has been published online showing the explosion of an American military Humvee all-terrain vehicle. All

Captured from fairly close distance.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the explosion caught on video occurred back in 2005. However, the video has only just been released.

In the video, an armored SUV drives up toto a suspicious car in order to push it off the roadway. During this, an explosion suddenly occurs. After the explosion, the military rushed to unload ammunition and weapons from the Humvee.

Journalists explain that, most likely, a passenger carthe car was mined. The fact is that in Iraq this was a common occurrence. These vehicles need to be taken off the road, which is what the Humvee tried to do.

It is noted that in this case, the detonation was carried out wirelessly.