The hologram learned to copy the movements of users' hands

Information has appeared on the network about a new development from Voxon. She, combining her own volumetric display with

popular Leap Motion controller, achieved that the hologram began to copy the movements of the users’ hands.

We are talking about Voxon VX1, which together withI learned to work wonders with a motion controller. So, while Leap Motion creates a 3D model of the user's hand, the Voxon display does not just project it, but also recreates non-existent objects. The latter can be lifted (albeit virtually) and interacted in other convenient ways.

According to the project developers, the working areadisplay is 18 x 18 x 8 centimeters, while its resolution is quite high: 1000 x 1000 x 200 pixels. The "frame rate" of the device is 30 frames per second. The only thing that "bites" is the price of the technology - a fully assembled device costs $ 9,800.