The InSight station recorded three powerful Marsquakes. The reasons for one of them are unclear

The SEIS seismograph of the InSight automatic station recorded three new marsquakes in August and September 2021

Scientists said that they became one of the most powerful and longest for the entire time of the device's operation, and this is more than 1000 sols (Martian days).


NASA has already identified the place where the incident occurred."summer" marsquakes. It is noted that it was one of the August tremors that occurred at a surprisingly large distance from the station. The root cause and localization of the third marsquake have not yet been determined.

To date, the InSight station has operatedOn Mars there are already 1005 Martian days, 300 sols exceeding the originally planned service life. On September 18, 2021, on its thousandth sol, the radar recorded one of the most powerful and longest marsquakes, lasting an hour and a half. According to preliminary estimates, its magnitude was 4.2. This is the third major seismic event detected by the station in a month - on August 25, the seismograph recorded two Marsquakes with magnitudes 4.2 and 4.1. The source of the September tremors remains to be determined, NASA concluded.

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