The interaction of water and air has led to the creation of electrically conductive nanostructures

Scientists have created microporous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that are composed of metal ions and

organic binders.These materials formed three-dimensional nanostructures that conduct electricity. The researchers used the same conditions that characterize the formation of an oil film on water.

To use MOF properties in technologiesenergy production and sensors, scientists have changed the approach to creating these scaffolds. Researchers applied a solution with organic linkers (building blocks or ligaments containing metal cations - "Hi-tech") on an aqueous solution of metal ions. After contact, the substances combined into a hexagonal structure. Nanostructures were formed at the contact points of liquid and air. Scientists have compressed the nanosheets to give them a denser and more unbreakable structure.

Researchers have tested nanostructures usingmicroscopic and X-ray crystallographic analysis. The densely arranged crystals indicated not only strong contact between the sheets, but also the electrical properties of the material. The researchers transferred the nanosheets to a silicon substrate, added gold electrodes, and measured the electrical conductivity.

Scientists are now studying how different parameters affect leaf morphology. Their goal is to develop a technique for creating high-quality nanosheets with desired electronic properties.

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