The long-standing dispute about where water came from on Earth has been resolved

Water could have been “delivered” to Earth by asteroids from the outer boundaries of the solar system. We came to this conclusion

scientists after analyzing rare samples collected during the six-year Japanese space mission Hayabusa 2.

Experts examined 5.4 g of stones and dust thatassembled a Japanese space probe. It landed on (162173) Ryugu, a typical near-Earth asteroid from the Apollo group. As is known, it belongs to the dark spectral class C and has an elongated orbit. Because of this, in the process of its movement around the Sun, it crosses not only the orbit of Mars, but also the Earth. During the mission, the Hayabusa 2 probe landed on Ryugu and “shot” its surface with an “impactor.”

Research on this material is just beginning.published, and in June one team of scientists said they had found organic material in samples of the asteroid. This means that some of the building blocks of life on Earth, such as amino acids, could have formed in space. The data will tell you how the oceans appeared on the planet billions of years ago.

"Volatile and rich in organic matterC-type asteroids could be one of the main sources of water on Earth. Delivering volatiles (i.e., organics and water) to the planet is still a matter of serious debate,” scientists from Japan and other countries said in the study. Now the analysis resolves a long-standing dispute: it seems that organic matter came to Earth thanks to asteroids such as Ryugu.

The Hayabusa 2 probe was launched in 2014 with a mission to Ryugu, which is located approximately 300 million km from Earth. He returned to her orbit two years ago to deliver a capsule with a sample.

"The Ryugu particles are undoubtedly one of thefrom the most uncontaminated materials in the solar system available for laboratory research. Analysis of these precious samples will certainly expand our understanding of the early processes of the Solar System,” the scientists conclude.

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