The moon came closest to Earth in 2021

A supermoon is the moment when the full Moon approaches the Earth at a distance closer than 362 thousand kilometers. ri

In this case, the moments of passage of perigee, that is, the point of the orbit closest to the Earth, and the full moon are separated in time by no more than three days.

Such an event occurs every year, however close coincidences of these two moments, perigee and full moon, occur much less frequently. 

Residents of the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, as well as Kamchatka and Chukotka will be able to observe the short total phase of the eclipse in the evening.

The size of the Moon at such a moment exceeds the usual by only five to six percent, noted Oleg Ugolnikov, a senior researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 

The researcher noted that after 10 hoursafter the supermoon, at 14:19 Moscow time, a total lunar eclipse will occur: residents of the southeast of Siberia and the Far East will be able to see it, since for them this phenomenon will occur during the daytime.

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