The newest part of the computer game about the mafia was made temporarily free

The popular digital distribution service Steam once again offers gamers to take advantage of profitable

proposal. This time, the digital store has made the newest part of the computer game about the mafia temporarily free.

We are talking about the game Mafia III, which representsitself an action-adventure shooter with a third-person view. So, until May 7, gamers have the opportunity to play this title absolutely free.

In addition to free access for gamers,It is proposed to purchase the game at a discount. Recall that in normal times it sells Mafia III for 1999 rubles, while in the framework of the campaign its price dropped to 499. In addition, at a discount you can grab a set consisting of three parts of the game. It, by the way, can be purchased for 1747 instead of the previous 3247 rubles.