The oldest remains of erectus found in Kenya

Experts have deciphered the genome of a modern man, whose skull was found in the Golden Coon Cave.


determined exactly where on the shores of Lake Turkanaalmost half a century ago, a fragment of the skull KNM-ER 2598 was found, and repeated excavations were carried out in this place, as a result of which knuckles and part of the pelvic bones were found. We cannot say for sure whether they belonged to the same individual as the part of the skull, but their structure clearly indicates that their owner was an extremely ancient Homo erectus. 

Research text

Homo erectus, the authors emphasize, invented complex tools, discovered fire and began to prepare food. They were the first to leave Africa and settle throughout almost the entire Old World.

Scientists discovered a fragment of the skull of KNM-ER 2598; in order to understand who owned it and how long ago he lived, the authors examined the location of the find. 

As a result, they confirmed that the age of the KNM-ER2598 is indeed more than 1.86 million years old. This makes the skull one of the oldest pieces of evidence for the existence of Homo erectus in Africa and the entire Earth.

The discovery makes it possible to unambiguously link this region of East Africa with the first Homo erectus on Earth.

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