The owner of the Internet speed test Speedtest will be fined in Russia

The Moscow Magistrate's Court may issue a fine to the American company Ookla, which ownsMeasurement service

Internet speed Speedtest. She may be held accountable for refusing to localize the personal data of Russians on the territory of the Russian Federation. Discuss

It is reported that the magistrate of section No. 422Tagansky district of Moscow received an administrative file initiated on the basis of a protocol from Roskomnadzor in relation to Ookla LLC. A court hearing has been scheduled for July 12.

The company faces a fine in the amount of 1 to 6 million rubles.

Earlier, Roskomnadzor said thatabout 600 representative offices of foreign companies in the Russian Federation began to store personal data of Russians in Russia. This includes Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, PayPal, Booking, LG.