The Polish army received two PSR-A Pilica anti-aircraft systems, they can hit air targets at a distance of up to 6.5 km

The Polish Army received two additional PSR-A Pilica systems.

What is known


shared by Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak on Twitter. The first batch of anti-aircraft guns was delivered back in 2020. In total, the Polish army ordered 6 complexes.

One battery of the complex consists of six fireinstallations. One installation, in turn, has a 23-mm twin ZUR-23-2KG Jodek-G anti-aircraft gun, as well as launchers for Piorun or Grom anti-aircraft missiles.

The SR-A Pilica is capable of hitting drones, helicopters as well as fixed-wing aircraft. The operating range of the air defense system is 6.5 km.

Source: @mblaszczak