The Roman telescope photographs an area of ​​space 100 times larger than the Hubble

Among the many observations that will be possible thanks to the new telescope Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman Space

Telescope, RST), astronomers are consideringthe possibility and scientific potential of using the telescope to observe and photograph the ultra-deep field, as Hubble did earlier. This will help scientists better understand the process of star formation in the young Universe.

Most of the observing time RST will bededicated to filming  mapping large areas of the sky. However, observing time will also be available to astronomers for other projects. According to scientists, RST's ultra-deep field will greatly benefit the scientific community.

"Results of superdeep field observations RSTcan change into space science. We would like to get the astronomical community to think about how they could take advantage of the Roman telescope, ”said Anton Kekemoer of the Space Telescope Institute for Space Research. Kekemoer presented the idea of ​​using RST to study the superdeep field at the 237th meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

For example, the ultra-deep field RST can beпохоже на сверхглубокое поле «Хаббла». Телескоп будет «смотреть» в одном направлении в течение нескольких сотен часов, чтобы создать чрезвычайно детальное изображение очень слабых и далеких объектов. Однако Хабблу удалось «поймать» таким образом тысячи галактик, а RST соберет миллионы, утверждают в НАСА. Это улучшит наше понимание Вселенной.

This composite image illustrates the superdeep field of the Roman Space Telescope.

In 2003, Hubble made an iconic imagesuperdeep field that changed our understanding of the universe. Imagine what we could find out if the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope in Rome did the same with 100 times the coverage. Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

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Space Telescope Science Institute, scientifican operations center founded by NASA in 1981 to command and conduct research using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), which has been in orbit since 1990, and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which is scheduled to launch in 2021.

Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF) - imagea small region of space, compiled from data acquired by the Hubble Space Telescope from September 24, 2003 to January 16, 2004. The image is a combination of individual images taken with the Advanced Surveillance Camera, Near Infrared Camera, and Multi-Object Spectrometer, captured at a total exposure of almost a million seconds (11.3 days).