The teacher brand, chats with parents and online communication were discussed at “Other Lessons”

On December 15, the online conference “Digital Etiquette. Rules

communication, learning and online behaviorfor student and teacher." Educators and experts discussed how to build effective communication between teachers and parents, communicate on social networks, and why a teacher needs a brand. 

Participation in “live” eventsThe conference was attended by over 7 thousand people. Video recordings of the seminars are available on the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. At the time of publication of the news, they had already been viewed by over 400 thousand people. The recording of the broadcast is available on the project website, as well as on the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

Experts shared with educators recommendations aboutabout how the chat with parents should be in order for communication to be as effective and conflict-free as possible. Director of ANO DPO "Moscow Institute for the Development of Continuous Action" and the author of conflict-free communication technology Natalia Schensnovich told how to maintain trusting communication.

The conference also discussed how moderntechnology helps teachers build interaction with students, turn presentations and social networks into new ways of learning. In addition, experts explained why a teacher needs a personal blog and what can be shared with colleagues and students.

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