The ten most effective products for a good mood

The food we eat, according to experts, can affect how we feel. For example, there are a number of products

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Endorphins are hormones that keep you in a good mood. Their levels in the body can increase through physical activity, laughter, and certain foods. There are ten such products in total.

  1. Berries. These include strawberries, blueberries, blackberries,cranberries, raspberries. It is also known that they generally have a positive effect on brain function: they improve memory, signal transmission to the brain, and the ability to concentrate. They also help in the production of certain hormones.
  1. Dark chocolate. The thing is that this chocolate contains substances that promote the production of serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine. These hormones, in turn, improve mood.
  1. Eggs. These foods help in the production of dopamine, which keeps us alert and alert.
  1. oily fish. Similar fish (trout, salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardine) contain omega-3s. This substance improves communication between brain cells. It also helps with stress and anxiety.
  1. Liver. This product is distinguished by a large numberzinc and iron. They have a big impact on brain function. For example, due to a lack of iron, a person may feel tired, be irritable, think worse, due to a deficiency of zinc, he becomes nervous and may acquire emotional disorders. According to experts, you need to eat the liver once a week.

  1. Orange. This product contains folic acid, which helps produce serotonin (the “happiness hormone”) in the body.
  1. Pepper. It has more vitamin C than an orange. At the same time, this vitamin increases the amount of endorphins in the body. This is also confirmed by scientific research.
  1. green vegetables. They contain a lot of iron and vitamin C. They contain such vegetables and folic acid.
  1. Pumpkin seeds. They allow the body to obtain magnesium. This substance significantly affects nerve conduction.
  1. Whole grain products. They differ in the presence of such useful substances as iron, magnesium, folic acid, thiamine (vitamin B1). The last vitamin with a deficiency contributes to the occurrence of fatigue, headaches.

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Source: Inosmi