The United States will return to the use of weapons that are banned almost worldwide

US President Donald Trump lifted the ban on the use of anti-personnel mines by the military, which was introduced under

Barack Obama.Interestingly, more than 160 states have now signed an agreement to cease the operation of such mines. That is, the United States, in fact, will return to the use of weapons that are prohibited almost throughout the world.

Bely's press secretary announced Trump's decisionHouses. The President authorized the use of antipersonnel mines outside the Korean Peninsula to ensure the ability of the US military to counter any threats. The ban allegedly puts the army at a disadvantage during a conflict.

However, the Pentagon said that they intend to use only anti-personnel mines equipped with a mechanism for self-destruction or self-destruction.

It is worth noting that the ban treatyanti-personnel mines, the so-called Ottawa Treaty, by December 2017, 163 states had ratified. Countries that refused to sign the treaty include China, Russia, the United States, India, Pakistan, and a large number of Middle Eastern states. However, the Barack Obama administration previously still banned the military from using this weapon. However, now these restrictions are no longer valid.