The "working" ant from the "king" is distinguished by only one gene

Information has appeared online about an amazing discovery by a group of scientists. They managed to find out that the only

a protein called Kr-h1 is capable of organizing a real transition along the hierarchical ladder in ants. Discuss

It turned out that the result of social conflicts in ants of the species Harpegnathos saltator is able to "switch" them from worker to royal status.

And it is the Kr-h1 protein that keeps insects in the framework of the role that corresponds to them.

This protein regulates various genes in workers andgamers and prevents ants from engaging in “socially unacceptable” behavior <…> In other words, Kr-h1 is necessary to maintain boundaries between social castes and ensure that workers continue to work while gamergaters continue to act as queens.

Study authors

A fresh discovery is important primarily becausethat it allows science to understand how important socially regulated hormones and gene regulation play in the ability of animal brains to switch from one genetic regime and social caste to another.

Source: Popular Mechanics