There was a sports electric car without a roof and glass. It covers 640 km on a single charge.

The aim of the project is to make the first British electric car with a long range.The Aura EV was developed

in partnership with the UK's Zero Emission Vehicle Authority.

The developers also paid attention to aerodynamics, which have a direct impact on the range of an electric car: the streamlined body of the Aura EV is made of composite materials and natural fibers . 

Also the electric car has two blocksbatteries with a capacity of 44 kWh: the first is located under the floor, and the second under the hood. The developers are confident that this is enough for the electric car to travel up to 640 km from one full charge. The power of the machine is not specified.

In addition, an onboard display with a 3D interface is integrated into the steering wheel. It is noted that the software correctly displays the battery charge level with an accuracy of 99.5%.

Development of the electric vehicle began on October 1, 2020.

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