There was an application that prevents AI from creating art and stealing the style of artists

According to many artists, AI that creates images is theft in its purest form. To

generate content, algorithm throughout the networkcollects, analyzes and reworks the styles and techniques of artists that may have taken years to develop. American engineers have figured out how to deal with this.

University of Chicago employees created their ownA kind of temporary solution for digital artists is the Glaze application. It allows artists to make subtle changes to their work before uploading it for viewing online, where it is available not only to viewers but also to compilers of AI training repositories. In simple terms, the app applies a “masking” layer to the art, specifically designed to thwart attempts to imitate artificial intelligence.

Barely visible to the human eye, these modificationsdeceives the ability of artificial intelligence tools to find patterns. They make subtle changes to the placement of pixels in each image to fool the AI. As a result, the algorithm “thinks” that the style of the new artist is very close to the already established style of other authors. If someone asks an AI to create something in the style of a new artist, it will come up with something more similar to Van Gogh, or, in the worst case, a hybrid of the old and new styles. This way the tool prevents style theft.

An example of how Glaze works. Photo: University of Chicago

However, the Glaze development team emphasizesthat this technique is a temporary solution. “Artificial intelligence is evolving rapidly, and systems like Glaze face an inherent challenge for the future. Our methods will overcome future countermeasures that will make previously protected works of art vulnerable,” says the project’s website.

Skeptics complain that such a toolcould confuse algorithms and make AI image generators worse for everyone. Others recall Picasso saying: “Good artists borrow, great artists steal.” But not everyone agrees with this opinion, considering thieves not true creators, but mediocrities.

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