This tweak displays volume in iOS 13 as a percentage

One of the best features of iOS 13 is the updated volume indicator. Previously, the volume indicator took up the entire

center of the screen, but now it is much smaller and appears at the edge of the screen next to the volume buttons. In addition, the indicator immediately disappears when it is no longer needed.

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However, despite all these improvements,Jailbroken users will always find ways to make things even better. This also applies to the new volume indicator, for which a free jailbreak tweak has been releasedVolumepercent.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the VolumePercent tweak displays the volume on the indicator as a percentage. A percentage appears when you change the volume.

After installing the tweak in the Settings, a new section will appear with all its options:

Here you can:

  • Select a color for displaying percentages.
  • Select the percentage display size.
  • Select the size of the volume indicator itself.

The developer also added an “Apply” button to the Settings to apply the changes.

With the VolumePercentage tweak, you can more accurately and conveniently change the volume of your device.

If you are interested in the VolumePercentage tweak, you can download it for free from the Packix repository in any tweak manager. It works on all jailbroken iOS 13 devices.