Tom Henderson: Splash Damage is developing a multiplayer action game for the Transformers franchise

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Tom Henderson rediscovers the mysteries of the gaming industry.

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about a game based on the Transformers franchise, which, according to his information, is being handled by the Splash Damage studio.

What is known

Tom Henderson's sources report that the working title of the project is Fortress and it is being developed on the Unreal Engine 4.

It is claimed that this will be a third-person multiplayer action game.

The game will be shareware, and its release is scheduled for 2023.

From other details, it is clear that familiar characters will appear in the game, such as Optimus Prime (Optimus Prime) and Megatron (Megatron).

In the game from Splash Damage, players will fight withsome new enemy called "Legion" (The Legion). Battles will take place on Earth, and the “Legion” itself consists of both organic and synthetic matter and can strengthen allied transformers.

Henderson's sources claim that the game has become very outdated during development, but "it has a lot of potential."

This game has not yet been announced, so Transformers fans should wait for official information about it.