Tweak LendMyPhone 2 adds guest mode in iOS 12

Unlike the Mac line, there is no “guest mode” in iOS. It's inconvenient when you have to give someone yours

device, but at the same time be calm that they will not see anything unnecessary.

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Luckily, there's a jailbreak tweakLendMyPhone2this will fix it. It adds a very convenient guest mode to devices.

The name may seem familiar to you, since this is an update to the LendMyPhone tweak, which we already talked about. LendMyPhone 2 restricts access to the following functions:

  • Access to specific applications.
  • Access to the control room.
  • Editing the home screen.
  • Forced closure of applications.
  • Opening notifications.
  • Use Spotlight Search.

After installing LendMyPhone 2, a new panel with its options will appear in the Settings:

When you start adding a new guest account, you will need to enter the following information:

Need to configure:

  • Profile photo.
  • Account name
  • Unique password.

After creating a profile for it, you can configure the rules and restrictions:

Tweak LendMyPhone 2 contains many optionswhich you can customize as much as possible for each guest. Conveniently, for each user, you can set your own password. In addition, the user does not even guess that he is in guest mode, unless you yourself tell him.

If you want to install tweak, downloadLendMyPhone 2 can be from the Packix repository. It is intended only for devices with iOS 12 jailbreak. For older versions of the system, there are previous versions of tweaks.