Two Popular Drinks That Could Make You Iron Deficient

All over the world, iron deficiency occurs most often in people. At the same time, experts note that

Two well-known drinks can interfere with the absorption of this substance. Discuss

Drinking coffee or tea at the wrong time can lead to iron deficiency. The Australian publication Better Health notes that these two drinks can interfere with iron absorption.

People who may be prone to developmentanemia, experts do not recommend the use of foods and drinks such as bran, coffee, tea. The fact is that in tea, coffee and wine there are special substances that prevent the absorption of iron and remove it from the body.

In addition, the phytates and fiber found in whole grains can reduce the absorption of iron and other minerals.

Also in a study published inIn the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists found that one cup of coffee reduced the absorption of iron from a hamburger by 39 percent, and one cup of tea – by 64 percent. At the same time, iron was absorbed more slowly if people drank coffee within an hour after eating.

That being said, caffeinated drinks do not usually lead to iron deficiency in healthy people who are not prone to anemia.

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