Two similar metal alloys turn light into current

The latest discoveries of the group of scientists concerned ways to convert light into electric current.

Research on rhodium monosilicide (RhSi) and cobalt monosilicide (CoSi) could provide a new approach to the development of devices such as photodetectors and solar cells.

The researchers found that the photocurrents of CoSi and RhSi have a purely topological origin, although this property was less pronounced in RhSi.

It is assumed that these materials will have a certain topological structure.We have tried to make such a discovery, but this work, I believe,  is the most accurate description ofphenomenon. 

Eugene Mele, co-author of an article in Nature Communications

The new research has the potential to create new concepts of electronic devices based on these materials: they consumeUltimately, this could lead to the creation of new electronic systems with improved size, weight and power. 

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