UN: global warming is advancing faster and people are to blame

The UN Intergovernmental Panel of Experts (IPCC) has published a new assessment of climate change.


An increase in the Earth's surface temperature of 1.5 or 1.6 °C above pre-industrial levels will occurThat's ten years earlier than a panel of experts predicted just three years ago.However, in the best-case scenario, after exceeding the target by 1.5°C, the temperature will dropto 1.4°C by 2100.

Since about 1960, forests, soil, and oceans have absorbed 56% of all the CO2 that humanity has emitted into the atmosphere, despite the fact that these emissions have doubled.However, the soil is expected to become saturated with carbon and will begin to absorb it in smaller amounts. 

Also, the ice caps of the glaciers contain enough water to raise the oceans by 65 meters. The world's oceans have risen by about 20 cm since 1900, and their growth rate has almost tripled in the last decade.  If global warming reaches2°C, the sea level will rise by 0.5 m by 2100 and will continue togrow to almost two meters by 2300 – twice as much as the IPCC predicted in 2019.

It is also noted that the 2021 report contains many more conclusions that are made with a high degree of confidence. 

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