Unexpected, but true: beer is good for women and bad for men

Scientific research shows that beer contains special substances that improve health.

representatives of the female sex, but they act completely differently on men. For example, beer can cause breasts to grow in men. Discuss

There are a lot of rumors about beer. However, of particular interest is the statement of scientists, according to which beer can bring more health problems to men, unlike women.

Such an effect of beer is associated, according to experts,with the characteristics of the hops from which the drink is made. Hops are rich in phytoestrogens, and these substances are similar to female sex hormones. Therefore, due to the consumption of beer in large quantities in men, female breasts may appear.

Phytoestrogens can reduce energyin a man, and also lead to irritability and tearfulness. You also need to carefully monitor the swelling of the breast tissues, since in this case only surgery will help get rid of such a “breast”.

Phytoestrogens affect women differently. They enhance the action of female sex hormones and help ease the transition to menopause.

However, it is important to remember that everything is useful in moderation. When consumed in excess, hops can, on the contrary, contribute to various health problems.

Also Chairman of the British SocietyIndependent brewers Booster Grant stressed that "women's breasts" (or gynecomastia) in men may be due to a sedentary lifestyle rather than beer. Also, according to the expert, certain varieties of hops can influence this.

News stories cannot be equated with a doctor's prescription. Before making a decision, consult a specialist.