Unloading data from 1C 7.7. Trade and warehouse in 1C: Accounting 8.2

In order to download data from 1C 7.7 trade and warehouse to 1C: Accounting 8.2 you need to run

a few simple steps described below.

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1. Go to your 1C work database: 7.7 Trade and warehouse

2. Select the tab Service-&gt;Upload to 1c Accounting-&gt;To Accounting (the version you are using)

3. Select the time period you are interested in.

4. Check the boxes you need for what you want to unload from 1C 7: Trade and warehouse

5. Select the path where the uploaded data will be saved.

6. The resulting * .xml file is your data that you can upload to 1C: 8.2 Accounting

Thus, the data is unloaded from 1C 7.7 to 1C 8.2.