Urgently update your Chrome browser if you do not want to catch a virus

Not so long ago, Google released a fresh update to Chrome 107. The company has already fixed 14 vulnerabilities in it.


But only three days have passed since the company urgently published a new hotfix. In it, the search giant has closed a 0-day "hole" that is actively exploited by attackers.

It is reported that the vulnerability received an identifierCVE-2022-3723. It is based on type confusion in the Chromium V8 JavaScript engine. This hole was discovered on October 25 by Avast specialists. At the same time, Google promised to reveal the technical details of the vulnerability only after updating Chrome for the majority of users.

Recall that this is not the first vulnerability in Chrome related to JavaScript Chrome V. Previously, the company has already fixed CVE-2022-1364 and CVE-2022-1096.