Vapers suffer 15% more strokes than regular smokers

The authors of the new work investigated the impact of electronic cigarettes on the human body.They analyzed

surveys conducted by U.S. Social and Health Services from 2015 to 2018 among 266,000 people.Some of the respondents had previously suffered a stroke.

The respondents also indicated whether they smoke, and if so, what kind of cigarettes: regular or electronic.

The vaping liquid contains not only nicotine, butand other substances that negatively affect the work of blood vessels. Because of them, blood vessels in the brain can be damaged: blood clots can occur in them more often, which increases the risk of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.

Karen Fury, professor at Brown University (USA) and one of the authors of the study.

Ранее в парах электронных сигарет нашли токсины, канцерогены и другие вещества, которые не только увеличивают вероятность рака легких, но и делают стенки артерий и вен более хрупкими.

Based on the results of the analysis of the responses, it turned out that those who smoke e-cigarettes are more susceptible to all forms of stroke, compared to smokers of conventional cigarettes. 

On average, vaping causes strokes 15% more often. The authors of the work concluded that electronic cigarettes are at least as hazardous to health as ordinary ones.

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