Video games have been particularly effective in stroke rehabilitation

Scientists have found that rehabilitation after a stroke can also occur using

video games. At the same time, this method is as effective as traditional ones, with a therapist. Discuss

After a stroke, patients may losehand sensitivity or experience weakness and limitation of movement. Traditional rehabilitation therapy is very intensive, time consuming and can be expensive and inconvenient.

So, a group of researchers used a video gamewith Recovery Rapids motion sensors to allow stroke patients to improve their motor skills and hand movements at home by periodically “visiting” a therapist via video calls.

Researchers have found that therapy based onon the game, led to an improvement similar to face-to-face therapy and at the same time required only ⅕ of the therapist's work. This approach saves time and money, while increasing convenience and safety, as digital medicine has been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years.

The patient is virtually placed in the kayak, and asas it floats down the river, it performs rowing motions with its arms, paddling, picking up debris, rocking from side to side to steer, and reaching up to clear cobwebs or bats

Rachel ProffittAssociate Professor, MU School of Health ProfessionsSource: Science Daily