Walking on tiptoes has been called a new way to lose weight

Information appeared on the network that American scientists called walking on tiptoes a new way

A group of scientists from the University of Utah looked into this issue in as much detail as possible.

For example, experts from the United States have found out how exactly the energy expenditure when walking changes depending on theFor example, "normal walking" was considered to be a movement in which the step begins with the heel, and the weight of the body then moves to the toe.

”The way people walk allowsuse less energy, so if you want to waste energy, you need to walk on tiptoe, ”the study authors said, adding that the conclusions were based on the experiments carried out.

For example, in the case when a person switched towalking on tiptoes, he began to expend energy 50-80% more intensively. In addition, according to scientists, this type of movement increases the load on some muscles, which also has a beneficial effect on the process of losing excess weight.