Want to get to know a person better? There are four ways to get close to him, according to science.

Good relationships with others have a positive impact on a person's quality of life. Thanks to them, it strengthens

mental health, the meaning of life appears.They also promote physical well-being. Dave Smollen from Capital State University in the USA spoke in more detail about what will help to establish such a relationship with another person. Discuss

If a person is in complete isolation orconstantly spends time alone, it negatively affects his body and brain. Moreover, this affects his condition in the long term as much as polluted air or obesity.

There are several behaviors that help increase the feeling of connection with the people around you.

  1. Heart to heart conversations. This is an important moment in the emotional closeness of people. If a person at this moment feels that he is understood, then this will contribute to the formation of a sense of closeness and trust between people.

  2. Getting and Giving Help. There are two types of support that youYou can give to a person or receive from him. This is instrumental (for example, if you bring some products to please another) and emotional (for example, if you hug a person at a difficult moment for him).

  1. Positive emotions. Scientific work shows what people feelconnection with each other when they experience positive emotions together. Moreover, at this time, their bodies are also synchronized: people begin to use the same gestures, the same facial expressions, even the heart rate and hormone levels change in their body in a similar way.

  2. Expressing and receiving gratitude, feelings of affection. You can openly express affection with the help of words (“I love you”) or some kind of physical expression (handshake).

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