Want to install a jailbreak? Avoid iOS 12.4 Update

After a long beta, Apple finally released iOS 12.4 in public.

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I want to update to the latest available versionsystem to enjoy all the new features, performance improvements, etc. However, if you are interested in jailbreaking, it is worth getting rid of this desire.

IOS 12 update.4 contains security patches, so breaking this version will be harder than previous ones. Moreover, the new version fixes all exploits that are used to jailbreak previous ones.

Once again, we recommend that you follow the advice of the Pwn20wnd developer: stay on the lowest possible version of the system.

This is very useful if you plan to installjailbreak in the future. The new exploit is more likely to be discovered in iOS 12.3 than in iOS 12.4. Pwn20wnd once again reminded to avoid updating soon after the release of iOS 12.4.

Unc0ver tool currently supportsiOS version 12.2 on all models except A12 (X) devices. The Chimera tool supports versions prior to iOS 12.3 (BETA). It is not known whether something will change in the near future, but it is still not worth updating.